Thursday, January 7, 2010

Osagian Canoe How Much Should I Pay My Neighbor For His Canoe?

How much should i pay my neighbor for his canoe? - osagian canoe

He is a 1979 Osagie
Length 17 meters
36 W
Seats 4
no fiber

1 comment:

campahol... said...

If you are in good condition (no cracks or damage to the teeth of the body) starts at $ 100.00, but would probably an agreement on $ 250.00

Aluminum canoes can take forever, while the rivets, no stress cracks and the edges are in good shape. Make sure the seats are very functional. You can deduct part of your opening offer, if it is a structural problem visible. It is a heavy boat - to the fact that the traffic can be a chore play, but it must be used!

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