What cute little pet names do you call your lover? - littlest pet platypus yahoo answer
You ask yourself, what a cute first name / name you call your lover? I call my husband baby so obvious, Sweety, etc. .., but I wonder her nickname is Poo lol, Platypus (long story lol) The Streets Monkey Maze. Just asking for fun, I thought.
I call it "Dick Shooter" serious, sometimes I have fun with him.
Well ....... My first pet was my BF bub but now I have a number of them ... Bub, bubbii, babbii, Honey Bear, sweetie pie! but I wonder holiday! heheh i love that name sooo much, and sometimes, when the lucky boo heheheheh called vacation :):):)
Baby Snakes call my boyfriend. The first night we started from Idle Hands spent on television and the character of Jessica Alba uses it, so I just started asking, dass lol. He calls me holiday hug. They do not know why. lol.
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