Has anyone compared Hartz 4 in 1 flea meds to Frontline,Advantage,etc. It is so much cheaper,wondered if it? - advantage flea meds
Has anyone compared Hartz 4 in 1 flea meds to Frontline,Advantage,etc. It is so much cheaper,wondered if it? - advantage flea meds
This does not work and is dangerous. Flea collars are the worst! Please do not use flea collars, insecticides ... My friend uses the "Bear Wal-Mart, but it did .. my sick dog
I use Revolution .. Where was my life! A veteran of many new market, and is availble almost full, to avoid disruptions to .. PreTect disadvantages of the heart worms, fleas, ticks and ear mites, scabies, and most of worms .. Like new, veterinarians are encouraged to take the first free medical care .. It's just a place on request ..
Hartz is cheaper for a reason .. the use of hazardous pesticides in high concentrations. Hartz does not effective.It unsafe.It can cause neurological problems, seizures and death. None of the OTC products are safe to use.
I tried Hartz and Zodiac ... neither came to work, and a benefit.
LOADING .... Do NOT use Hartz flea drops. I have my four dogs and three were very good, but the room has a very serious reaction.She was very lathargic and fear of death. I ran to the vet and so I learned through my own fault. My vet told me she saw kill the sperm into cats.I brought my dog and gave him a bath, the medication he has not absorbed by your body. I have it in a few days. Thank God, my dog is now well! Again, DO NOT USE !!!!!
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